CytoSolver provides fast automatic data analysis. Analyze batches of data in seconds by simply uploading files and letting CytoSolver take care of automatic transient rejection, data averaging, and curve fitting. Customize rejection parameters to suit your research. Available as a desktop or cloud-based platform. Cloud-based CytoSolver includes data visualization for quick box plots and bar graphs. Whether you’re using MultiCell or MultiCell Lite to analyze hundreds of cells at a time or you’re looking at data collected with our Calcium and Contractility or CytoMotion Lite systems, CytoSolver simplifies your research.
NEW! CytoSolver 3 is here for both desktop and cloud-based platforms. We’ve improved the user interface, improved functionality, and added DataVis to CytoSolver desktop enabling a suite of easily accessible plots and data visualization tools. View our resources below for application guides and video tutorials. Contact us for more info!
Note: This product is intended for research purposes only. It is not certified for clinical applications (including diagnostic purposes). Use of this product in uncertified applications is in violation of FDA regulations.