CytoMotion Software
CytoMotion Software - real-time characterization of iPSC-CM contractility

Advanced Signal Generator
Advanced Signal Generator is a full suite of programmable mechanical protocols that allows users to drive fast cell length changes when coupled to the MyoStretcher’s piezo-driven length controller.

Automatic Cell Finder
The MultiCell Automated Cell Finder enables users to load a sample, walk away, and come back to as many as hundreds of measured cells

C-Pace Navigator
The new C-Pace Navigator software allows users to operate both the C-Dish and C-Stretch with a user-friendly interface, making it easy to customize stretch and stimulation protocols.

CyFlo Perfusion Pump Control
The CyFlo software gives users an easy-to-use and precise method of perfusion and compound delivery

CytoSolver Transient Analysis Tool
CytoSolver accompanies the high throughput data acquisition of MultiCell with corresponding fast and automatic data analysis.

FloAcq Vessel Flow Characteristics Module
The FloAcq module uses flow rate and inlet/outlet pressures to calculate vessel flow characteristics in real-time.

MultiAcq Calcium & Contractility Acquisition Module
MultiAcq gives you the speed and ease of microscope control needed to achieve high throughput in your experiments

IonWizard – Core and Analysis
The IonWizard core software provides the foundation for seamless integration of any variety of software modules, along with features like transient averaging and analysis, trace display, and analog input and output.

MultiClamp / Work Loops Module
The IonOptix MultiClamp software enables fast feedback control of pre- and after-load force levels

PMTAcq Fluorescence Photometry Acquisition Module
The PMT Acquisition module elevates IonWizard into a full-featured ratiometric PMT acquisition platform while allowing access to core analysis features of IonWizard during data collection.

SarcLen Sarcomere Length Acquisition Module
The SarcLen module enables scientists to acquire high resolution sarcomere length measurements from individual myocytes in real time at an impressive 500 samples per second!

SoftEdge™ Myocyte Cell Length Acquisition Module
Our SoftEdge™ module makes IonWizard into a full-featured, video-based cell length acquisition system. SoftEdge™ measures cell length via sophisticated, real-time contrast analysis of digitized image data.

VesAcq Vessel Dimensioning Acquisition Module
VesAcq is a module for those performing experiments with isolated perfused vessels. It provides reliable calculation and reporting of vessel measurements, offering valuable features such as multiple ROIs, line averaging, and auto-gained contrast.